Mastering SEO: The 8 most important basics when learning SEO

Mastering seo in 8 setup guide

Before we start our topic for today, learningĀ SEO, you need to know that this is not an easy thing to do, as many people advertise on social media sites and anyone who claims to be an SEO professional is a liar. SEO is a vast field that is constantly changing with every update from Google.

However, in this article we will learn the most important basics of SEO that you need to be at the top of the search results, as you will learn many tips that are sold on a paid basis, but I will give them to you for free, and perhaps the most important of them is continuity and not giving up by continuing to publish content. You make a lot of mistakes and then you correct them and that is the essence of SEO. The more you keep going, the more you learn.

If you are interested in writing content and developing your skills in this area, you have probably heard of the term SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation in Arabic. You may have struggled to understand this concept due to the vast amount of information available about it.

What is SEO?

SEO is the abbreviation forĀ Search Engine Optimisation, and aims to promote and improve the quality of website traffic through organic, or unpaid, search engine results.

Although it is related to improving a website’s performance on search engines, it is also about understanding users’ needs and providing them with appropriate solutions. This includes understanding what users are searching for, the answers they are looking for, the words they are using in their search and the type of content they are consuming.

When these factors are accurately identified, users can be directed to relevant content on your website, helping to increase site traffic and improve the user experience.

It is worth noting that there are two aspects to SEO, the first is understanding the needs of users and the second is presenting these solutions in a way that search engines can better understand and classify in order to better reach users.

Learn SEO from beginner to professional in 7 simplified steps

To learn SEO effectively, you need to build your understanding of the basics of search engine optimisation (SEO). These basics include understanding how search engines work. They hold web content in their indexes, and when someone searches for a particular word, the engine returns results that match that word with the content in its index. But the most complicated and mysterious part is how the search results are ranked, and this is where SEO professionals should focus. Google’s algorithm relies on many factors to determine the most useful results and rank them higher.

In addition, a website’s performance depends on how search engines build their index through the use of sitemaps, which show important pages and links related to them. So it’s important to understand how these maps are built and to update them regularly to ensure your site ranks well in search results.

1. Learn the basics of SEO

One of the best things about Google is the sheer amount of information available. Although they do not reveal the exact algorithm, they do provide a very useful guide to getting started with SEO. They provide a high-level understanding of how search engine optimisation works, including definitions of common terms and the basics of getting ranked.

If you’re starting to learn SEO from scratch, this guide is the perfect place to start. It explains how to get your site listed on Google, how to control the crawling process to ensure your content is found and indexed, and helps you understand what your site is about and the types of search engine optimisation (SEO) queries.

2. How do search engines work?

To understand how to learn SEO, you need to understand how search engines work to index web content. When someone searches for a particular word or phrase, the search engine uses its index to find content that matches those words.

But the most complicated and mysterious part comes when the search results are ranked, as Google’s algorithm tries to show the most useful results first. This requires SEO professionals to focus on a variety of factors that affect page rankings in search results.

In addition, search engines rely on sitemaps to build their indexes, which are lists of the most important content on a website, as well as links from pages that are already indexed. These tools allow search engines to better understand the structure and organisation of a site, leading to improved page rankings in search results.

3. Finding the right keyword

Keyword research is an essential part of your search engine optimisation (SEO) strategy, as it can help you understand the needs of your audience and effectively target your content to be found by search engines. If you want to attract more visitors to your site, you should focus on creating content that matches the keywords and phrases people are using to search.

However, the challenge in obtaining this data is that search engines do not generally make this information available to the public. You should therefore rely on keyword research tools to obtain this information. These tools allow you to understand the number of searches being made around the world for any combination of words and phrases, as well as providing analysis of competing sites and the performance of your current site content against different target keywords.

See the top 5 sites for keyword research

  1. The Google Ads website has a keyword planning tool.
  2. SEMrush Keyword Magic.
  3. Ahrefs Keyword Explorer.
  4. Moz Keyword Explorer.
  5. Keyword tool

These tools can help you identify high-value keywords that you can target in your content to increase the chances of your site being discovered by users via search engines.

Note: The percentage of competition for keywords must be taken into account. The more competition there is for a keyword, the more difficult it is to rank highly in search results for that keyword, and vice versa. Therefore, when your site is new, it is not recommended to write about topics that are highly competitive, and as you continue to expand your site, you will begin to compete. In these terms, gradually and competitively with the big sites over time.

4. Getting backlinks

A backlink is a link that comes from a specific page of a website to another website, and when the link is added to your site, you get a backlink from that page. Google always considers these links as an important indicator of the popularity and importance of the website and also of its ranking in the search engine results.

Backlinking gives the site the opportunity to improve its ranking in search results better and faster. What distinguishes external links is that…

  • It can provide recommendations for your site based on a specific topic.
  • Add value and originality to your site’s content.
  • They may refer to specific sources or provide citations for a particular topic.

You can find out more about backlinks, their types and how to obtain them legally. Read this article: What is a backlink and how to get one.

5. Technical SEO optimisation of your website

Technical SEO refers to the efforts you make to improve the functionality of your website from a technical standpoint, with the aim of improving the site’s ranking in search engine results and increasing traffic to the site. Technical SEO strategies include several elements, such as

  • Website speed and performance: A website should load quickly and provide a smooth user experience for visitors. This includes reducing load time, improving page performance and reducing the number of requests to the server.
  • Structure and design (template): The site structure should be simple and easy to use, and include a design that adapts to different screen sizes.
  • Internal link structure: This is about organising the links within the site well, and making sure that page links have a logical relationship to each other.
  • Structured data: This involves using structured data tags such as to make content easier for search engines to understand and to display additional information in search results.
  • Technical SEO optimisation involves using the HTTPS protocol and securing the site against cyber-attacks.
  • Internal website pages should be well linked and properly organised to make them easily accessible to search engines.
  • Getting deeper into the technical side: There are several aspects to technical SEO optimisation, including dealing with duplicate content and canonical pages, using robots.txt files to tell search engines which pages to crawl and index, creating and submitting sitemaps, and other methods that help search engines better understand your site. search.
  • You can also rely on Google Search Console to help you find any problems with your site, as well as all the information and statistics about your blog.

In short, technical SEO aims to make a website user friendly, fast loading and trusted by search engines, which helps to improve the site’s ranking and attract more targeted visitors.

6. Content Development (Content is King)

We fully understand the importance of your website’s content. It’s the element that attracts people to your site, motivates them to take action and is simply the main reason your site exists in the first place.

Once you have taken care of the technical and technological aspects necessary to improve your site’s ranking, it is time to focus on the content. As mentioned above, your content strategy should be a key part of your overall strategy. But this is where the road to success begins.

This is where you create content that is keyword-rich but not overwhelming, build a strong structure that is easy to read for engines and visitors alike, and improve the overall content experience.

7. Continue to learn and keep up with updates

Understanding developments in search engine algorithms is important for anyone working in search engine optimisation (SEO). While some changes may be subtle and small, others can have a significant impact on how search results are displayed and ordered. It is therefore important to keep abreast of the latest developments and changes in this area.

As for the content of your site, it needs to be constantly renewed and updated. It is better to add new articles and update old information regularly to remain useful and reliable for visitors and search engines alike. It is also advisable to diversify the types of content, such as text, images, videos and graphics, to give users a varied and comprehensive experience.

Of course, you should also consider using the right keywords and improving the content in general to attract more visitors and improve the site’s ranking in search results.

A list of free SEO courses

Of course, here are some free online courses that can help you develop your SEO skills

Ahrefs SEO training course

Coursera’s Fundamentals of Search Engine Optimisation

Shopify’s SEO Training for Beginners

Yoast’s SEO Training for Beginners

WP Courses’ Introduction to Search Engine Optimisation

Bruce Clay’s SEO Training

Next.js’ Introduction to SEO

Hubspot’s SEO Training

One last piece of advice: Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see the results you expect right away. Keep in mind that SEO is more of a marathon than a sprint. It may take some time for your changes to appear on search engine results pages, and it may be months before you see tangible results. Remember that this environment is constantly changing and what worked yesterday may not work today. So once you are at the top, you should keep working hard. If you stop working, your ranking is likely to drop quickly as competitors continue to improve their positions.

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