How to get money in 2024 via a blog in 2024

best strategies for making money in the world of 2024

In today’s fast-paced digital world, starting a blog is a golden opportunity to combine passion and profit. Blogging can be a fun and rewarding adventure that opens up new horizons. Through blogging, you can build a strong reputation as a trusted expert in your field, generate additional or even full-time income, and connect with people who share your interests and passions.

In this article, we will look at the steps to starting a blog and how you can make money from blogging in 2024, regardless of your level of experience. Whether you are a beginner or a professional, we will give you the guidance you need to succeed and make money in the world of blogging. Read on to find out how you can turn your passion into a sustainable source of income.

What is blogging?

In the early days of the internet, blogging was a lot like journaling. The first blogs were used as a means of documenting the personal views and experiences of their owners, allowing people to share their thoughts with a wide audience online.

Over time, blogging has evolved into more than just a digital record. Today, individuals and companies create blogs not only to share information, but also to generate sales or commissions. Blogging has become a powerful tool for digital marketing and building relationships with your target audience.

6 reasons to start a blog

Starting a blog is a fun and rewarding step that can add a lot of value to your life. Whether you’re looking for a new hobby, extra income or to build a community, here are six reasons why you should start a blog.

1. Document what happens in your life

The word “blog” originated as a way of documenting events. You may want to start a blog so that you have a central place to store your ideas and photos.

2. Share your thoughts and experiences

Nobody has the same unique ideas and experiences as you. A blog is a platform where you can share these ideas with others, have discussions and build real relationships.

3. Communicate with people

Blogging is a great way to connect with others, whether they are other bloggers, content creators or your target audience. Blogging opens doors to meet people you might not otherwise have the opportunity to meet.

4. Improve your writing and digital marketing skills

Blogging is an art. If you want to improve your writing skills, writing a daily or weekly blog can help. Running a blog also requires a lot of behind-the-scenes work, which can help you gain valuable skills in areas such as online marketing and website management.

5. Build your brand and credibility

Creating a blog can help you build your brand and become a trusted expert in your field or industry. Your blog content can demonstrate your knowledge and expertise on specific topics.

6. Generate sales or income

Blogging can be used to generate sales, whether for your existing business or a completely new business. According to Indeed, bloggers earn an average of $37,073 per year.

Misconceptions about blogging

You don’t have to be famous to start a profitable blog. Anyone can start a blog, regardless of their level of experience. Here are some common misconceptions that people have about starting a blog, especially the misconceptions that most Arab content creators share, the most important of which are

1. Blogging is expensive

Some people think that blogging is expensive, but you can start a blog for free as long as you have an internet connection. Even if you decide to pay additional costs for a custom website, domain name or professional photography, these costs are small compared to the amounts you can earn from your blog content.

In fact, these initial investments can be a way to improve the quality of your blog and attract more readers, increasing your chances of making a profit. So don’t let worrying about costs stop you from starting your blog and achieving your blogging dreams.

2. Blogging is a quick way to make a profit

While blogging can be a way to make money, it is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It takes time and effort to build an audience that is interested in what you have to offer and wants to buy the products or services you promote on your blog.

It is important to be patient and persistent because success in blogging depends on the quality of the content and the ability to attract readers over time. So focus on providing real value to your audience and building strong relationships with them to ultimately achieve financial success.

3. Blogging is easy

Blogging may seem simple in theory: write words, publish them and be done with it. But in reality, unless you have a team or use marketing or website management services, you will find yourself spending a lot of time on aspects other than writing, such as website design and search engine optimisation.

Depending on your niche or goals, you may also need to spend a lot of time researching your topics or creating complementary content such as images or videos. Blogging isn’t necessarily easy, but it can be fun and rewarding when you see results and achieve your goals.

4. All your pans must be perfect

You should publish blog posts that you’re proud of, but don’t let the fear of not being “good” enough or “perfect” hold you back. Posts are editable, so if you’re unhappy with something after you’ve posted it, you can always go back and change it.

Remember that perfection is not the ultimate goal, continuous improvement is the key. The most important thing is to keep producing content that is valuable to your audience and learn how to improve it over time.

5. To start blogging, you need to have followers on social media sites

You don’t have to be a famous social media personality or have a huge following to start blogging. Many now famous bloggers such as Joey Chu, Carly Reardan and Player Eddy were unknown before they started blogging.

The most important thing is to provide quality content that attracts readers and builds an audience over time. Blogging is about passion and perseverance, and with dedication and effort you can build your own audience and expand your influence.

How to start a blog in 10 key steps

If you’re ready to start blogging but don’t know where to begin, these steps will set you up for success, whatever your ultimate goals.

1- Define your niche or specialisation

Defining a niche can be difficult or feel restrictive, but it will help you build more credibility in the long run. Of course, you can talk about more than one topic, but make sure your focus is consistent and specific enough to attract readers and encourage them to continue reading your work.

You should also know that specialising in a niche will help you to improve your search engine optimization (SEO), in addition to increasing your acceptance rate for making a profit from Google AdSense ads. In short, Google prefers specialised sites and even readers.

2- Competitor analysis

Once you have identified your niche, do some preliminary research to understand who the other major players in your field are. Is there a lot of competition in your chosen niche? Or are there very few people writing about the topic you want to write about?

Whatever the case, doing your research beforehand will help you understand how you can create content that is better or different from what already exists.

3- Identify your target audience

Before you start writing your blog, think about your target audience. Who are you going to write the blog for?

Your answer to this question will help you write valuable and relevant articles for your readers. Try to find out the following information about your ideal reader before you start writing

  • How old are they?
  • Where do they live?
  • What do they do?
  • What other media do they consume?
  • Do they read other blogs?
  • What do they do in their spare time?
  • What issues do they frequently run across?
  • What do they wish they knew more about?

Identifying your target audience will help you target your content and make it more effective and attractive to potential readers.

4- Pick a distinctive name for your blog.

Choosing a unique name for your blog is essential to defining your brand identity and attracting readers. The name of your blog should reflect its theme or focus, making it easier for readers to understand the blog’s content at first glance. In addition, a distinctive and memorable blog name can help you stand out in the fierce online competition, increase your blog’s visibility and attract more visitors.

Before choosing a name for your blog, it is important to do some research to ensure it is available and unique. Check domain availability and search social media platforms to see if the name has already been taken. If you find that the name you want is already taken, consider suggesting alternatives or adding a unique touch to differentiate it.

5- Buy the domain name

Now that you have chosen a name for your blog, it is time to choose a domain name. You can check the availability of a domain name by typing the name you want into an Internet browser and seeing if there are any active sites with that name. Most registry sites usually offer a domain tool to help you find available domain names.

If you choose an available domain name, you will need to pay for the right to use it through a domain registration website. Owning and setting up a domain is a separate process from choosing a hosting site and website building platform, which you will do in the next step.

6- Choose a hosting site

Choosing a hosting site is an essential step in creating your blog. Without a web host, you can’t build a website; the host is what allows you to effectively “rent” an online presence.

Some platforms offer free hosting for your blog, but instead add their branding to your web domain, such as or In these examples, you will need to pay for web hosting as well as purchase the domain name to remove the “.squarespace” or “.wordpress” from the URL.

The cost of web hosting can range from 50 cents to $10 per month, depending on the amount of speed and disk space you want to purchase. There are many different hosting options available, but we recommend choosing one of the best web hosting companies that fits your budget and needs.

7- Create your own website

You can build your own website from scratch or use a template or theme, depending on your budget and preferences. A no-code website builder, such as Blogger or WordPress, allows you to design and build a beautiful website even if you have no previous web development experience. Some templates or themes may be free, but others can cost anywhere from $10 to $200.

Some website builders allow more customisation and flexibility than others. Be sure to review the features and characteristics of any website builder you are considering so you know what to expect while creating your blog.

8- Write and publish your first post

Once you’ve built your site and you’re happy with how it looks, it’s time to upload your first article. You can write and edit your content directly from the backend of your site, but it is better to create all your content in a separate cloud editor such as Google Docs. This way, you have a safe backup of your blog content in case of technical problems with your site.

Before publishing, it’s a good idea to preview your article to make sure it looks exactly how you want it to. You can always go back and edit it later if you want to change or update anything.

9- Promote your blog

When you post content to your blog, you can share your links. Social media is a popular and effective way to share your blog content. You can set up new social media profiles or add connections to your current ones to go beside your blog.

You can also use email to inform your existing followers about new content on your blog and encourage them to read and share it with others.

10- Track your blog statistics with Analytics

Once you’ve published and promoted your blog, it’s important to track metrics such as views, visitors and clicks. Your hosting platform may have a default analytics dashboard, but we highly recommend connecting your blog to Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a free tool that allows you to track your traffic and learn important details about your audience and conversions.

The most efficient ways to make earnings through your blog

Bloggers can make money through a variety of different strategies. Some take more effort than others. Most bloggers’ income sources depend on sensitive circumstances, such as search engine algorithms and brand budgets. Therefore, it is highly recommended to diversify your income by choosing several methods.

1. Ad networks “Google AdSense

Ad networks pay you either for displaying ads on your blog, or when someone clicks on an ad, or both. Some networks require you to have a very high number of monthly views to display ads, while others, like Google AdSense, have no minimum view requirement.

2. Affiliate marketing

Bloggers can join so-called affiliate networks. These networks allow you to create unique links to the products you talk about on your blog so that you can earn a commission if someone buys the product. Amazon Associates and LTK are two popular examples.

Affiliate codes work similarly to links, where you earn a small commission if someone buys the product. Brands may offer you a unique code that your readers can enter at checkout when they shop online, and you can promote this code in your content to increase sales.

3. Partnerships with brands

Bloggers and brands collaborate frequently to produce sponsored content. This usually involves reviewing a specific product or incorporating regular mentions of the product into your content.

Brand partnerships can range from one-off deals to long-term relationships based on the performance of your content and mutual interest.

4. Sell digital products

Selling digital products is an ideal option for anyone who wants to sell without the hassle of coordinating packaging and shipping. Digital products are a low-cost, low-effort way to create products that your audience will want to buy. Most digital products can be accessed or downloaded by your customers immediately after the purchase is completed.

  • You can sell a variety of digital goods, including as
  •  Online courses. You can use a platform like Teachable to create lessons or courses that are more in-depth than what your blog offers.
  • E-books. An e-book is usually a self-written and self-published title that comes in the form of a PDF file.

It is advisable to identify the needs of your audience and make sure that the digital product suits them before you start creating it.

5. Premium content and memberships

Offering exclusive and premium content to your subscribers can be an effective way to increase your blog’s revenue. You can offer exclusive content only to paid subscribers, encouraging loyal readers to pay the subscription fee.

In short, the blogging space in the online world is starting to offer more and more opportunities to make money and build an online community. By connecting with your audience, providing valuable content and using the right marketing strategies, you can achieve success in this space. So don’t hesitate to get started now and take advantage of the opportunities that will be available to you in 2024.

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