Creating a Blogger Blog from Your Mobile Phone

The Blogger blog is considered to be one of the most famous areas of profit on the Internet. The blog is characterised by its multiple methods of profit, including profit through Google AdSense ads or advertising companies competing with Google AdSense, in addition to profit through affiliate marketing and other methods.

Working on a Blogger blog is a smart, profitable, free and easy investment and it can become your main source of income and it is a long-term investment project.

In this article from our website “The World of Profit” we will learn how to create a Blogger blog from scratch, the most important steps for beginners, and how to profit from it in simple and easy steps, just through the phone. You can create a free Blogger blog without having any experience in the field of blogging.

What is a Blogger blog?

You may have heard of the Blogger platform, as many people create blogs on this platform, which is associated with Google.

According to statistics, there are around half a billion blogs on the internet that use the Blogger platform. This huge number is not in vain, but rather reflects the multiple benefits that blog owners reap through financial and marketing returns.

Blogger was first launched in 1999 by Pyra Lays as a system for publishing blogs and practising the hobby of blogging. Blogger is considered to be one of the first specialised systems in the history of the Internet.

In 2003, Google announced the acquisition of Pyra, the owner of Blogger. Since then, the platform has become a subsidiary of Google.

In 2004, Google made changes and improvements to the Blogger platform, allowing bloggers to add photos and videos to their blogs on Blogger. The company also introduced a new design and new features, including the ability to modify templates and add archive pages for topics and comments, as well as the ability to write and blog via email.

The Blogger blog system is characterised by being completely free and easy to control. It also has good security and protection features. You can create your blog easily and for free on the blogspot sub-platform, or you can buy your own paid domain from domain registration and purchase

1. Create a blog on Blogger

Log in to the official Blogger site. Then select the Gmail account you want to use to create the blog.

After selecting the email account you want to use to create the blog. You will be inquired to select a title for your location. If you have trouble choosing a name, you can use artificial intelligence to help you choose a suitable name. Make sure that the name is unique and that nobody else is using it.

Once you have chosen a name for your blog, click Next. You will be taken to a page where you can choose the name of the link to your site. Write it in English or French. Arabic is not accepted.

Write a specific name that is not taken from someone else. It is important that the name is approved under the phrase “The title of this electronic blog is available”. Click ‘Next’.

After clicking Following, you will be taken to the another page. You will be asked to confirm the blog name. Note that the blog name can be changed at any time.

Once you have confirmed the display name, click Finish and congratulations on your first step in creating a blog. You can go to the blog settings to change some of the settings.

In the settings, you can change the name of the blog and write a description that expresses your area of specialisation, as the description is considered important. In addition to choosing the language of your site, and finally choosing the target audience by choosing the content

Explanation of the blog tools and icons


Through this part you can write content and share it, and this part requires only one article, God willing. If you do not find the field that suits you, we can help you identify the best fields for your blog, which have a high percentage of profit.


This is where you can find out the statistics for your blog, but these statistics are inaccurate and incorrect at a rate of 40%. You can find out the correct and accurate statistics by registering on the Analytics website. This site from Google helps bloggers to get access to blog statistics. And accurate. Even this site needs its own article, God willing.


This is where you can read and reply to comments written by visitors to your site.


In this section, you can link your blog to Google AdSense to start earning money from Google AdSense ads, but not at first. There are conditions to start making profits, the most important of which is to write articles that are more than 300 words. It is better to write an article that has more than 500 words, and the more the number of words. it was better. Create a privacy page and a contact page…


From here you can create pages, the Privacy Policy page, the Contact Us page, the About Us page and the Usage Policy page. The method for adding the Privacy Policy page, the Contact Us page, the About Us page and the Usage Policy page is ready and professionally done.


This page allows you to prepare and modify the form of the blog template.


On this page you can choose a free theme from Blogger or you can buy a paid template, which is better. There are many free templates that will give you a more attractive look. Learn how to get the free SEO Plus template. When you add your template, you can modify the meta tag codes. Install it on your blog and adjust the necessary settings.


From this page you can control the blog in general, such as changing the name of the blog, writing a description of the blog, choosing the target audience, choosing the language for your blog and many other things.

You have created a Blogger blog and you can start to benefit from it. However, to make your blog as professional as the big blogs, you need to add the necessary professional features.

2. How to prove ownership of a Blogger blog

A lot of people wonder about the explanation of how to prove ownership of a Blogger blog. How can you do it? First of all, let us know what is meant by proving ownership of the blog?

A way of proving to the Google search engine that you are the owner of this blog, as this is the prevailing method of proving ownership of the blog or website on the internet and allows the various search engines to know the owner of the site.

This is a very important and necessary step after creating a professional blog on the Blogger platform, as it is very difficult for anyone to find your blog without this step.

How to do it in 5 steps?

1. Sign in to your Blogger blog using your blog email address (gmail).

2. Using the Google search console, you can access the site by searching for it on Google or using the direct link.

3. Set the email address where your Blogger blog was created, if you have multiple blogs on the web.

4. You will see a screen titled “Welcome to Google Search Tool” with two options: “Domain” and “URL prefix”. You must select the second option and go through the process.

5. In the address field, add a link to the Blogger blog and then click the ‘Next’ button. You can wait a few moments for the ownership confirmation window to appear automatically.

This completes the process of proving ownership of your site, and you will need to use the Moderators page to accurately track the blog’s statistics when installing the sitemap and robot text files.

Add your site to Webmaster Tools and add Sitemap and robots.txt files, which will help Google search engine spiders to recognise your site and automatically index articles thanks to Sitemap and robots.txt files.

3. How to benefit from a Blogger blog

Many people in Egypt have created blogs on the Blogger online platform, which is a free blog that does not take much time to create and configure.

But very few of these people have been able to make a profit from these blogs on Blogger, and in order to make a profit from your blog on Blogger, you first need to start blogging.

Blogging is a way to drive traffic to blogs through the Google search engine. Blogging is done by writing articles and it is best to create content that specialises in a particular field. It is also necessary to create articles that meet SEO standards in order to be competitive and appear in search results.

People can make money by creating free blogs on the Blogger platform through the traffic that comes from Google. They can make money in a number of ways, such as through Google AdSense ads, affiliate marketing, or by selling products and items on their blog.

1. Google AdSense ads: One of the most popular ways to earn money from creating a blog or website is through Google AdSense ads. By placing Google ads on your Blogger blog, you can earn money from visitors who click on the ads.

2. Affiliate marketing: One of the world’s most popular ways to make money through the Blogger platform. This method is based on promoting the products of a company or institution, where the blogger explains and clarifies each product in detail and then provides a link to purchase the product on the website of the company or institution. The blogger receives a commission for each purchase made through his link.

3. Selling products: You can use the popularity of your blog on Blogger to sell products and items to visitors instead of creating and writing new content. This method is not new, but it gives you the opportunity to make a profit.


Creating and monetising a Blogger web journal from your mobile phone can be a fulfilling endeavour. Powered by Google, the Blogger stage offers an easy-to-use interface and powerful gadgets that permit anybody to start a web journal quickly and for free. From monetising through Google AdSense and associate promoting to offering items, the openings to create pay are varied and accessible.

By following the steps in this article, you will have learnt how to set up your web journal, promote it for search engines, and confirm ownership – all vital steps in building an effective online neighborhood. Keep in mind that whilst starting a web journal is simple, turning it into a beneficial business requires dedication, quality substance and key showcasing efforts. With determination and the right approach, your blogger web journal can turn out to be not just a side hustle, but an economical source of income and an important long-term speculation in your online journey.

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